Grace Publications
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Keep kindergartners busy learning with more than 800 fun activities for 40 popular themes. Organized…
Select from popular themes to energize your current thematic units. Motivate your students all year…
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THE EDUCATION CENTER Best Of Mailbox Arts & Crafts Gr K-6 TEC851
These lively books put hundreds of arts-and-crafts projects at your fingertips. Featuring the very best…
THE EDUCATION CENTER Big Collection Of Teacher Tips Book 2 TEC796
Tips for organizing the classroom, seasonal and holiday ideas, recycling tips, and a special section…
Reinforce essential language arts and math skills with these full-color centers. Each one is adapted…
THE EDUCATION CENTER Monthly Reproducible October 2-3 TEC961
Designed to complement our best-selling monthly idea books by providing you with more fun reproducible…
Self-storing, take-them-anywhere centers that provide practice opportunities to develop core skills. 128 pages. $19.95 each.
Finally…a resource that gives you exactly what you need for differentiation! Grade-specific reproducible activities address…
THE EDUCATION CENTER Math Activity Cards For Early Finishers Gr 3 TEC61218
72 independent activity cards that help them build skills independently. No special supplies are needed-just…
THE EDUCATION CENTER The Best Of The Mailbox Literature Gr. PreK-K TEC1462
Filled with creative, motivating ideas first published in The Mailbox magazine. Includes literature units for…
THE EDUCATION CENTER Monthly Reproducible December Gr. K TEC967
Designed to complement our best-selling monthly idea books by providing you with more fun reproducible…
THE EDUCATION CENTER Everything Nursey Rhymes Gr Pk-K TEC61259
Your all-in-one nursery rhyme resource. Gives you illustrated rhymes, picture cards, quick crafts, and fun…
THE EDUCATION CENTER Nonfiction Comprehension Builders Gr 2-5 TEC61201
These motivating, high-interest reading passages are perfect for end-of-grade test prep. More than 100 comprehension…
THE EDUCATION CENTER Math Envelope Centers Grades 2-3 TEC61032
These ready-to-use centers provide valuable practice opportunities that develop your kids’ core skills. Each center…
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Gather your little ones into your reading circle–it’s booktime! Prepare little ones to read and…