EVAN-MOOR Everyday Gr Pk-K Literacy Reading & Writing EMC2417
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Brand: Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
The perfect supplement to your core early reading program!
Everyday Literacy: Reading and Writing, Grade PreK helps you introduce students to the 26 letters of the alphabet while they practice important literacy skills.
The 20 weekly units in grade PreK cover:
Print Awareness:
Understand that illustrations carry meaning
Begin to understand that print runs from left to right and top to bottom
Understand that reading and writing are ways to communicate thoughts
Begin to understand that speech can be written down
Visually discriminate between letters
Phonological Awareness:
Begin to make letter-sound associations
Begin to attend to the initial sound in familiar words
Identify the initial sound of a spoken word
Isolate the initial sound of a spoken word
Identify words that begin with the same sound
Alphabet Knowledge:
Begin to associate letters with their names
Begin to associate the names of letters with their shapes
Identify uppercase and lowercase letters
Oral Language Development:
Recite short poems, rhymes, and songs
Respond orally to simple questions
Listen for different purposes
Develop fine motor skills through drawing and tracing
Write letters or letter-like shapes to produce words or ideas
Dictate or produce “writing” to express thoughts
Practice letter formation
Print uppercase and lowercase letters
Make connections using illustrations and/or prior knowledge, real-life experiences
Recognize main idea
Recall details
Make inferences and draw conclusions
Identify sequence of events
Compare and contrast
Distinguish between real and make-believe
Determine cause and effect
Categorize and classify
Make connections using illustrations