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Brand: Lerner Publishing Group
“Storytelling Zaki” is a loveable plush doll of our “character chameleon”, Zaki. “Storytelling Zaki” has six (6) fables written into short stories and rhymes starring the Spruce Street Six. Like Zaki in the chapter books, “Storytelling Zaki” has fins on the back which change colors when the kids are in situations where they should stop, slow down and think, or go for it! There is also the Zaki song which describes Zaki’s color changing process. Zaki will include a cartridge slot that will allow the consumer to get new stories, thereby keeping Zaki fresh and extending the product’s lifecycle. The exposure to the different stories and dilemmas in the stories will give more exposure to how proper moral decisions should be made. In addition, the visual aspect of the changing colors will give visual feedback to compliment the auditory feedback.