LEARNING RESOURCES Encyclopedia Of Math Blackline Masters LER7325
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Brand: Learning Resources
With 216 math graphic organizers and blackline masters, this is the most extensive collection on the market. Great for developing higher-order thinking skills and a deeper level of comprehension.
– Helps students create visual paper-and-pencil representations that model math concepts — a great strategy for tackling math questions on standardized tests
– Includes number lines, place value charts, clock faces, multiplication tables, fraction and decimal models, coordinate grids, metric and customary unit diagrams, and more
– Provides graphic organizers and blackline masters divided by 5 tabs: Numbers and Operations; Fractions, Decimals, and Money; Measurement, Algebra and Geometry, and Data Analysis and Probability
– Serves as an effective tool for assessing mainstream students, ELLs and students with special needs
– Supports lessons on all 5 NCTM strands
– 224 Spiral-bound pages for quick photocopying
– Grades K-6