CARSON DELLOSA Amazing Kids Book Reading Level: Grade 4 – High-Interest/Low-Readability Nonfiction CD-104181
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UPC: 0044222172930
ISBN: 1-59441-330-4
Covering personalities from the past, like Mozart, and contemporary talents, such as Mattie Stepanek, stories of extraordinary children hit close to home for students, keeping them engrossed in reading. Intrigue your students with irresistible stories! Crafted to grab the struggling reader’s attention, these stories hone in on specific reading skills such as determining the author’s purpose; defining vocabulary; making predictions; and identifying details, synonyms, antonyms, and figures of speech. Comprehension questions in standardized-test format are included to build confidence without the pressure of testing. Each book includes: fascinating nonfiction stories to engage struggling readers, one- and two-page reading selections; multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and true/false questions; as well as short-answer writing practice. 64 pages