Teacher Store > Scholastic Teacher Resources > SCHOLASTIC TEACHING RESOURCES Overhead Teaching Kit: Easy Phonics Lessons For The Overhead SC-0439086809

SCHOLASTIC TEACHING RESOURCES Overhead Teaching Kit: Easy Phonics Lessons For The Overhead SC-0439086809


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SKU: SC-0439086809 Category:

Grade: Kindergarten - 2nd
Brand: Scholastic Teacher Resources
Secondary Brand: Scholastic
UPC: 71641015784
ISBN: 439086809


Learning phonics is tons of fun with this innovative set of hands-on transparencies, 90 punch-out letters, and instant lessons that teach letter recognition, word families, vowel sounds, word building, and more! Just pop the transparencies onto your overhead, then follow the easy mini-lessons for dozens of lively learning experiences sure to help every kid master phonics and soar in reading! 32 pages, 10 transparencies, A-Z punchout letters 8-1/2″ x 11″ Grades K-2

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