Teacher Store > Frank Schaffer Publications > FRANK SCHAFFER PUBLICATIONS Method Math: Step-by-Step Problem Solving, Gr. 1 FS-122314

FRANK SCHAFFER PUBLICATIONS Method Math: Step-by-Step Problem Solving, Gr. 1 FS-122314


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SKU: FS-122314 Category:

Grade: 1st
Brand: Frank Schaffer Publications
Secondary Brand: McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing - Frank Schaffer Publications
UPC: 17257223144
ISBN: 768205026


Method Math will help your students become successful and effective problem solvers! Using the problem-solving ROSE process, students will learn a step-by-step method of how to approach and solve word problems. With plenty of practice using each step of the process, they will also develop skills in analytical and critical thinking, deductive reasoning, and writing. A 15 1/4” x 21 1/2” (40cm x 54.6cm) color poster outlining the ROSE process is included with each book. Reproducibles included. 8 1/2” x 11” (21.5cm x 28cm). 80 pp.

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