Scholastic Word Family Readers Book Set, 5 Copies of 16 Titles



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SKU: SC-9780545231480 Categories: , Tags: , , , , Brand:

• 16-page full-color storybooks plus a 48-page teaching guide
• Storybooks = 6 x 9
• Teaching Guide = 8 3/8 x 10 7/8


Help kids become better readers, writers, and spellers with these lively tales that teach the top 16 word families! Each book reinforces a different word family–such as —am, -ell, and -ot–via a lively story and fun follow-up activities. Includes 80 books and a big teaching guide filled with lessons, reproducibles, assessment sheets, and more. A must-have collection for every K-2 classroom!

1. Chuck’s Bad Luck (-uck)
2. Hank’s Pranks (-ank)
3. Nell Is Not Well (-ell)
4. Kates Loves to Skate (-ate)
5. Brock’s Flock (-ock)
6. Jake Bakes a Cake (-ake)
7. Pat’s Cats (-at)
8. Jan Can (-an)
9. Pop Does the Bop (-op)
10. Fay and the Jay (-ay)
11. Dot’s Spot (-ot)
12. Min and Fin (-in)
13. Pam and the Clam (-am)
14. Tug and the Bug (-ug)
15. Zack Packs and Snack (-ack)
16. Bill Will (-ill).

* 5 copies of 16 titles (80 storybooks)
* 48-page teaching guide filled with lessons, reproducibles, assessment sheets, and more.
* Sturdy storage unit

Additional information

Weight 10.48 lbs
Dimensions 14.50 × 13.30 × 4.75 in


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Unit of Measure: Set
Country of Origin: CHN
Package Count: 80
Barcode: 9780545231480
ISBN Manufacturer Reference: 9780545231480
HTS USCode: 4901990075

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