We are in search of the world’s best teacher mug and tumbler.

Note: TeachersParadise may earn compensation for sales from links on this post through Amazon Affiliate links. We only suggest items our team loves!
Sometimes unconventional teacher gifts are fun and unexpected, but in reality, one of the most used things in a classroom is just a mug or tumbler to carry our drink. Who of us does not appreciate a great cup of coffee or tea? Let’s find some fun teacher appreciation mugs!
1. Caffeine fuels a teacher’s coffee mug

What teacher doesn’t need a bit of a pick me up throughout the day? This cup will remind you.
Caffeine fuels a teacher’s heart! This mug is perfect for every teacher who can’t be without their coffee.
2. A day without coffee is like… whatever

It has happened in every classroom, and we have all been there. First thing in the morning and not a drop of coffee in you, and it’s already a mess of a day…
3. Treat yo-shelf teacher’s day mug

Treat-yo-self to a nice cup of joe after a magnificent job organizing classroom cubbies and shelves.
4. Yes you are one lucky teacher

It doesn’t have to be St Paddy’s to know you are one lucky teacher
5. Yes you are one lucky teacher

This gift keeps us warm on cold winter days when it comes to teacher appreciation cups.
6. Other uses for your favorite cup. A flower pot!

Sometimes we might have too many cups for our own good. If you aren’t using them to drink, using them as a small flower pot is an incredible option!
7. Best teacher ever tumbler with lid

Tumblers have become some of the most used cups around school, and they are everywhere. Tumblers keep our hot drinks cor and our cold drinks cold.
8. Best teacher ever tumbler with lid

Who can disagree that it takes a lot of sparkle to be a teacher?
9. For the coffee-loving teacher

I love my class a latte!
10. Teaching fills my heart

You can make your own custom teacher-themed message or gift with a Cricut!
11. Making mugs with a Cricut is a blast!

We all know that Cricuts are great for scrapbooking and crafts, and with a bit of Adhesive Vinyl Sheets, we can design any cup we want!
12. Goal Today: Keep the Tiny Humans Alive – enough said

Some days, our goals are simpler than others. And “simple” does not mean any less stressful, especially for preschools.
13. A groovy Peace Love Teach mug

This mug would go great with a custom t-shirt.
14. Perfectly peaceful art teacher mug: The groovy Peace-Love-Teach

Painting bright futures one cup of tea at a a time.
15. The awesome Bob Ross art teacher cup

Loving Bob Ross is not a “happy little accident,” as he taught so many of us to appreciate the joy of painting.
16. I teach what’s your superpower?

Not all superheroes wear capes, but they would all enjoy a nice cup of coffee.
17. Custom Spanish teacher mug

Aqui toma la mejor maestra del mundo. (English translation – Here drinks the best teacher in the world).
18. A hilariously sarcastic statistics/math teacher mug

10 out of 9 people struggle with math. This should have a /sarcasm tag, and we think many math and stats teachers will treasure this one.
19. 3.14159265….. Pi mathematics cup

Another cup many math teachers gladly use their drinks. A special Thank you to Archimedes of Syracuse for the equation and mathematician William Jones for the pi symbol design.
20. Café Bustelo Expresso + math equations = deliciousness

That’s one huge cup of expresso.
21. This may be the best history teacher mug we have ever seen.

Please do not confuse your Google search with my History Degree.
22. Do you love Hamilton and STARWARS?

Some Alexander Hamilton vs. Burr American History in a cup with some STARWARS mixed in. This cup somehow makes the perfect blend!
23. Looking for the best chemistry science teacher tumbler?

Chemistry is elementary, and we think this Caffeine molecule tumbler for a science lover will be nothing short of a smash.
24. Awesome Biology Teacher Mug

Straight to the point. Who needs to be superfluous and excessive wording? Not here.
25. Please fill this mug with caffeine periodically

This mug is so good it’s not just for the National Periodic Table Day!
26. Pythagoras vs Einstein E=mc2 Mug

This funny cup is the ideal gift for any geometry or science lover.
27. Coach tumbler – Repeat after me: YES COACH

A custom metal tumbler for your favorite coach is never a flawed idea.
28. A mug for coach! Coffee give me my coach power.

It is not always easy to find a mug for a PE teacher, and this mug will not steer you wrong.
29. A funny music teacher mug that doesn’t cause treble

I’ve been known to be a TREBLE MAKER. This mug is sure to hit all the right notes!
30. Most amazing teacher ever!

At some point in their career, every teacher has undoubtedly been the most amazing teacher to a student, even when they have not known it.
31. I teach; therefore, I drink (Coffee) teacher yeti cup.

Teacher Yeti cups are famous for a reason. They are some of the highest quality all-day cups around. So personalize a Yeti cup for your favorite teachers, and we are sure they will love the thoughtful and valuable gift.