Goal setting for students is a lifelong lesson!

Teachers and parents can sometimes get frustrated with kids’ academic performance. And just like parents have wondered in their homes, educators wonder which is the best method to motivate their kids in their classrooms. And while all kids are different, one aspect that can help is goal setting. And goal setting with a visual reference. As we know, “out of sight out of mind,” so let’s keep our goals in sight and in our thoughts.
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Goal Setting Tools and Resources:
Goal setting for kids is just like any other skill they learn, and it requires communication and instruction. And as with teaching any new concept to children, teaching goal setting requires patience, so don’t expect immediate results. When teaching goal-setting skills to kids, it is vitally important to keep in mind the student’s developmental stage, age, and personality.
Communicate your personal goal to the child, then achieve it.
Children will learn subconsciously and see the parent or teacher set a goal themselves and reach them. And while children will not associate this directly with themselves, they will learn by your actions and examples.
Keep the goals simple so the child can comprehend the cause and effect. Set a simple goal or objective: “I can clean my desk today; I’ll can then go outside and play basketball for a little while. ” OR a second simple example: Say “If I finish decorating for this (any upcoming holiday) and then bake cookies together.”
- Communicating and setting the goal.
- Accountability for attaining or not reaching the goal.
- Enjoy the process.
- Short-term goals.
- Evaluation and Feedback.
1. Communicating and setting the goal.
As with most thing things in life, communication is critical.
Talk about and state the goals with your kids. explain that there are short-term goals and that there are long-term goals and how they can relate. Helping children set goals. Some objectives might seem impossible, but we can finish our goal by accomplishing simple steps. It’s also essential to explain to kids that that are some tasks that you will be assisting them – explaining and showing them that they are not alone, especially in the beginning when they are learning how to set and reach goals themselves. Goal setting is a crucial lifelong lesson.
2. Accountability for attaining or not reaching the goal.
Accountability for their success and learning when they don’t reach their goal. If your child/children can write, writing a plan or goal visualizes that task. Also, when setting classroom-wide goals, it’s paramount to set realistic and achievable goals.
3. Enjoy the process of working towards a goal.
Goal setting is fun. Make it fun for your students/kids and yourself. If the process is not enjoyable, the goal-setting idea will not matter since it will seem burdensome.
4. The importance of short-term goals with kids.
At the beginning, only set very short terms goals. Simple goal setting is key. Start with kid-friendly goal setting activities. Adults and older children comprehend goals. But when learning about goals and teaching goal setting to young children, it’s more effective if the goals can be achieved quickly. The gratification of success is immediate, and longer goals should be built upon slowly. Setting goals for the year should be for older students.
5. Evaluation and feedback…
Feedback is a necessary step as a teacher or parent when teaching goal setting for kids. Children need to way to track their progress. Many visual feedback tools are available to teachers, such as incentive charts and goal-setting charts. These should be used since the beginning steps, so kids have their goal in mind during their goal setting and learning odyssey.
As a parent or teachers, we should keep the big picture in mind. And remember that teaching goal setting for kids is one of the most fundamental skills that children need to learn to have a successful educational journey.

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