Celebrate Earth Day with 27 delightful classroom activities and bulletin boards decorations!

April 22 is Earth Day! Earth Day is a holiday where people worldwide work together towards one critical goal: making our Planet a cleaner, safer place. Bulletin boards are a fun teaching tool that doubles as a classroom decoration. These bright and informative Earth Day bulletin boards are a great way to introduce conservation concepts and practices to make the Earth a better place. Creating an interactive bulletin board is especially effective as a board can be used for weeks to convey a particular objective, in this case, Earth day, Recycling and Reducing Carbon footprints.
Classroom bulletin boards are a blank canvas that can transform into a collective classroom masterpiece, incorporating crafts or creative writing activities: How can we be kinder to the Earth? Our Promise to the Earth? Ways to create a more sustainable planet? Bulletin board making is a creative way to increase environmental awareness in the classroom and instill lifelong earth-friendly habits.
1. Treat every day like Earth Day.

Save The Birds, Save the Bees, Save the trees and the seas inspiring Reminder to treat every day like Earth Day, using all aspects of the Earth that needs protecting.
2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

We can all stand to learn more about Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle with some fun Earth Day Trivia facts.
3. Our Promise to the Earth

“Our Promise to the Earth” is an excellent writing assignment adding a student’s touch to the colorful bulletin board.
4. We Love Earth

Fun Earth Day trivia with examples of ways to love the Earth will inspire students for years to come.
5. Our Little Hands can Do Big Things

Little handprints to show who can change the world. It all starts with discussions on how to help the environment.
6. We Love The Earth

Mosaic paper crafts to look like the planet earth are a fun art activity to incorporate into the “We Love The Earth” Classroom board
7. Make Every Day Earth Day

“I Can statements” Make classroom decorations into a creative writing exercise, getting students involved with how they will make a difference in the Planet’s future.
8. Be Kind To The Earth

Learning to Make a difference begins one step at a time with “My Earth Promise.” Teaching students to be kind to the Earth is an important lesson, starting with the youngest students.
9. Mother Earth

Make your bulletin board for this month reflect the theme of A Greener World and share with students the importance of waste prevention, waste disposal, building a sustainable environment, all towards the collective goal of saving Mother Earth.
10. The 3 R’s Rule

Teach the 3 R’s to help the environment Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Earth Day and Recycling posters for kids are great as a handout to display around the classroom as visual reminders or as part of a school bulletin board.
11. Salva El Planeta (Save the Planet)

Creating a board that exhibits the students’ artwork of coffee filter butterflies and planet earth crafts is an inventive way to teach children all that needs protecting. Coffee filters, Popsicle/wooden craft sticks, pompoms, and crayons are all you will need to create delightful butterflies to flutter around the world.
12. Earth Day Conservation

The Earth’s youngest helping hands raise awareness of global warming and protecting our Planet. Conserving water one drop at a time is a great brainstorming activity to find ideas on best saving water resources.
13. Go Planet, it’s your Earth Day and Earth Day Letters

Celebrate Earth Day with a catchy and hip song line. Treat the Earth special like it’s having a birthday. Creating multiple classroom bulletin boards can be fun to get students involved in Earth Day. Incorporating students’ art projects and personal statements is excellent to encourage the importance of caring for the Planet. “I can help the earth by:” or writing Earth Day Letters are a perfect way for students to share their understanding of protecting the environment and strive to help the Earth every day. Combining a bit of color with earth paper mosaics offers an individual touch from each student to show how they see the world. Adding a quote from an influential figure or even cartoon character helps everyone relate to Earth day; like this one from the Lorax, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” provides a unique touch students will remember.
Applying the Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle concept to crafts. Demonstrates to students how fun it can be to reuse bags, cartons, and bottles while helping protect mother earth. Showcase their creative art or writing talents in an environmentally conscience classroom bulletin board. It is a fascinating way to boost their eagerness to protect the environment.
14. Happy Earth Day Crown

Earth Day Crowns are a fun and clever method to teach the littlest learners the meaning of protecting the Planet and beginning discussions that instill earth-friendly practices to keep the world green and fantastic.
15. Earth Day Superheros

Teaching students how they can be superheroes and save the Earth by preserving the world and making a difference, a little bit at a time, with the activities we choose each day can significantly impact the Planet.
16. We’ve got the whole world in your hands

With little preparation, you can “We’ve got the whole world in your hands” this creative art and writing assignment shares different ways to take care of the Planet. Students trace and color their hands; every set of hands is original and unique, with the same goal of helping Earth.
17. I can help the Earth

Teaching children to think about ways to help the Earth is the best way to plant the seeds for a healthier planet. This writing activity and Earth day crown will help get students thinking of how they can help.
18. Earth Sponge Painting

Sponge painting can be so much fun for all ages. But, who knew creating little earth cutouts from construction paper with sponges and paint would start beneficial conversations about keeping the Earth healthy.
19. Planet Suncatchers

Creating sun catchers from a coffee filter is fascinating to shine a light on an essential subject by using coffee filters, markers, and some water to make unique and wonderful art that can be so much fun. Using construction paper to cut our continents is the perfect earth day touch.
20. Bubble Wrap Floral Craft

Give Springtime floral art some new textures with bubble wrap. Who knew reusing packing materials to make beautiful art could be unique and fun. Nothing ever needs to go to waste when creating art.
21. Springtime Recycled Craft

Reusing bottles to make colorful vases and adding felt floral arrangements is a great springtime recycled craft that will make Earth smile with flowers.
22. Earth Day Mobile

The creative Earth Day Project prompts students to imagine what they can do to help improve the environment. This creative writing exercise also doubles as an art project to hang in the classroom.
23. Recycled Earth Collage

Creating crafts from packing materials, magazine clippings, and other found materials is an excellent way to demonstrate reducing, reusing, and recycling. Adding paint and imagination to make little earth pictures.
24. Cardboard Tube Planters

Repurpose cardboard tubes by felt to the bottom, adding soil, then plant seeds to give back to the earth. What a pretty and all-around appropriate way to celebrate Earth Day. Turn this recycled plantar project into a craft project by adding paint and creating a fun tube design.
25. Flowering Earth

Take the classroom outside on Earth Day to collect flowers and leaves. Then practice fine motor skills and create earth day crafts with some of nature’s colorful gifts. Finally, add flowers to an outline of the earth to create a flowering earth art project.
26. Earth Day Sorting

This fun sorting activity teaches the littlest learners how to identify what they can reduce, reuse and recycle. Practice coloring and cutting skills make this an excellent fine motor activity.
27. Newspaper Earth Craft

Drawing the earth, flowers, and hearts from old newspapers is a beautiful way to demonstrate how to repurpose for the planet. In addition, this unique craft is a colorful and resourceful way to show the meaning of Earth Day.
Allowing students to participate in the beautiful creation of the classroom board is always a fun learning device for any grade. Creating a Greener World theme can be an excellent opportunity to teach kids about the harms of global warming, poor use of natural resources, water and energy conservation, and the need for environmental protection all over the world that impacts how people and animals live.