Clock Time – Telling Time Flash Cards

Have you ever struggled to learn how to tell time? Or maybe you have a child or student who’s having a hard time with it? Well, Studios has got you covered with their Clock Time – Telling Time Flash Cards!

These flashcards are educational but also fun, and colorful, making it easy for learners of all ages to understand how to tell time on analog and digital clocks. The cards show time on the hour and quarter-hour increments, which is perfect for practicing. 

The Clock Time: Telling Time Flash Cards by Studios are really easy to use, and you can play with them alone or with others. They’re also perfect for taking on the go so that you can practice anywhere and anytime! You can even hear the sound by pressing the card and flipping the card by touching the “dog-ear” triangle on the top right.

This set is excellent for learners of all ages and abilities, with easy-to-read clocks and large letters. Plus, the time words on the cards help you learn how to read and say times in English and practice pronunciation for different time scenarios. It’s a great way to make learning how to tell time fun and easy!

Clock Time – Telling Time Flash Cards available:

More details & features

  • 22 Telling Time Flash Cards
  • Language/Speech and Sounds: US English
  • Age Level: 3+
  • Copyright 2010, Inc.
  • com.teachersparadise.clocktime

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“There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want.”

“Calvin and Hobbes” by Bill Watterson

Telling Time Flash Cards

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Clock Time – Kids Telling Time

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