February Teacher Resource
If I Were President…
This month we celebrate the birthdays of two great presidents. If you were president, what would you do so people would call you great?
Bonus! A 16 Page Teacher Resource Guide with Classroom Ideas & Reproducible Worksheets for February!
Perfect for those students that finish first and fast!
This book includes a wide variety of basic skills: Comprehension, Writing, Creative Thinking, Language, Math, Art, Music, Science, Vocabulary, Social Studies!
Complete your “I’m Done! What’s Next?” activity on another sheet of paper.
February – Independent Fun-to-Do, Skill-based Activities for Students Who Finish Fast and First!
More teacher resources
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
February Patterns & Reproducible Patterns

These patterns can be used for so many activities! They make great bulletin board art and can be increased or decreased in size on your handy copy machine. Copy them onto transparency film for use on your overhead projector. Project the patterns onto white paper and trace right onto the paper for murals and bulletin board art. This is a great idea for students who are uncertain about drawing freehand and will give them lots of confidence. Designs can be copied on paper, tag, or poster board. Our versatile patterns are a reflection of the holidays you and your students will joyfully celebrate in February. Have students copy some of the patterns on tag and cut them out. Place them at your “I’m Done! What’s Next?” center so students can use them with the cards and with other projects. Laminate, laminate, laminate! Patterns will last a long time if you use the teacher’s friend, the laminating machine.

PLR1002 Up to Grade 5 – February © Practice & LearnRight Publications