Eureka® Dr. Seuss™ Scratch Off Rewards



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SKU: EU-844209 Categories: , Tags: , , , , , Brand:

• With Eureka Scratch-Off Rewards kids get to scratch and reveal your personalized message.
• Each pack comes assorted 2 designs, 12 of each, and 24 silver Scratch-Off stickers.
• Each card measures 3-1/2" X 6"
• Write in blank space, and placed scratch off sticker on top of written space


Create fun and engaging rewards for just about anything you can think of by personalizing each piece! Write in a reward, motivational words, game clues, etc. and then cover it up with the specially designed sticker.

Merchant SKU: 844209-KD320
2 Designs

Additional information

Weight 0.15 lbs
Dimensions 7.50 × 4.00 × 0.38 in


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Unit of Measure: Pack
Country of Origin: CHN
Color: Assorted
Material: Paper
Assembly Required: N
Package Contains: 24 scratch off rewards in 2 complementing designs and 24 scratch off stickers per package
Package Count: 24
Battery Included: N
Barcode: 073168513392
HTS USCode: 4911996000

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