Activity Ideas Grade Level: 3–6 Subject: Language Arts/Reading Context
Identify parts of speech and use context clues to expand vocabulary.
Materials Needed:
• TREND 12″ Wipe-Off® Phrase Strips (T-4010)
• TREND Wipe-Off® Markers (T-98004)
• Reading book or storybook
• Masking tape
• Large white wall space or screen
• Scissors
• Computer
• Overhead transparency
• Overhead projector
WORKSHEET & Sample PDF Activity
Sample PDF Activity
To prepare for this activity, find a story that you like and type it into a file on the computer. Then delete selected words, choosing a variety of various parts of speech. Replace each word with a blank line, under which you type the name of the part of speech of the word you removed, such as noun, verb, adjective, etc. Print the story on an overhead transparency, then create a paper overlay with cut-out boxes that only show the blank lines and part of speech label. Set up the overhead projector so that the cut-out boxes are large enough on the wall to accommodate the Phrase Strips.
- Review the definitions of parts of speech and have the group give some examples of each.
- Turn on the projector and ask volunteers for words to fill the cut-out boxes. As each part of speech is given, write it on a Phrase Strip and tape it in the appropriate spot on the wall.
- Once all of the blanks are filled on the wall, reveal the story by removing the paper overlay from the transparency. The story should now be shown on the wall with the Phrase Strips in all of the appropriate spots.
- Read the story aloud to the group and enjoy the silliness!
- Now take that same story and use the context of the story to replace the silly words with words that make sense. Erase the silly words and write in the real words.
- Once you’ve been through the story again, read the story one final time to see if you’ve put the story back to the way, or close to the way, it was originally written.